Boosts the feelings of self-worth in a child
Public Speaking for KIDS
Open registration Public Speaking & Holiday Class
for 2024 Intake
What is Sunarisa Speaking School?
5 Core Values & Benefits
Our interactive sessions are 10% theory and 90% practice. It means that there will be more practical exercises than listening to the teacher.
Our intensive classes are limited to maximum 5 students, so it is ensured that every child has the opportunity to speak.
Our curriculum and teachers are international certified combining modules from USA, Swiss, China, and Indonesia.
Our flexible class can be tailored to the student's need (competition, presentation for school, children with special needs, etc.)
At the end of the term, there are practical final exam attended by family, then there will be report and certificate to evaluate the students.
Kelas interaktif kami adalah 10% teori dan 90% praktik. Artinya, lebih banyak praktik daripada hanya mendengarkan.
Kelas intensif kami dibatasi maksimal 5 siswa, sehingga dipastikan setiap anak memiliki kesempatan untuk berbicara.
Kurikulum dan guru kami bersertifikasi internasional menggabungkan modul dari USA, Swiss, China, dan Indonesia.
Kelas fleksibel dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan siswa (kompetisi, presentasi untuk sekolah, anak berkebutuhan khusus, dll)
Setiap akhir program, ada ujian akhir praktik yang dapat dihadiri keluarga, serta pembagian rapot dan sertifikat untuk evaluasi.